Monday, 22 February 2010

The London Road Studio Ltd...The Start...

It's been an incredibly busy year so far. Actually it started being busy last year. I'm getting more and more work as a photographer which is absolutely fab. Love it! Also been busy building a photography studio with fellow photog Damon. We've started up a limited company in Gloucester on London Road and named it The London Road Studio! :-D Exciting stuff this and can't wait for it to get finished. We ran into a bit of trouble with a supplier which has held up our progression, but we are nearly over that and moving on quite swiftly now.

Here are some then and now pics to show some of our progress so far.

Before view from wall by the side door then:

Now view from Side door now: (not exactly same angle)
Podium now gone, walls of dressing room erected in it's place.

Before view from other side of the room, towards the side door, showing podium  and doors to two toilets.

view today, podium gone, dressing room in it's place. Dressing room has private toilet. :-)

Before view of wall that Damon tore down and  moved back to make room for corner cove shooting stage.

Now view with wall gone and frame for new wall further back in place.

View of middle room that no longer exist:

Before view of back room/office:

View now of new office to be:

Before view of other side of the room:

View now...not finished:
Coffee with a couple of photog friends. :-)

Link to website: Not much there yet, working on it. :-)

Major work to do now is revamp the restrooms and build the stage, then there will be a painting frenzy! :-D